Death & Disney: Walt’s Morbid Obsessions Part One

One of Disney’s Most Famous Deaths

Hey everyone! This isn’t something we’ve done a whole lot of in the past, but we figured that since we have covered a few Disney movies on the blog, and on YouTube channel, we figure we would share this video that was put up a few hours ago on the “ask a mortician” YouTube channel. This video is the first in a three-part series on Walt Disney’s obsession with achieving immortality of legacy, and the prospect of dying. In case you haven’t noticed, many of Walt Disney’s characters are without a mother, usually having her pass away when the character is still a child. I think this reflects Mr. Disney’s apparent lifelong guilt over the loss of his mother when she passed away as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty furnace. I didn’t know this until watching the video, but we will very likely be sharing and discussing future installments as they appear on that channel. Here’s the YouTube video below, enjoy:

Death & Disney: Walt’s Morbid Obsessions

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